December 22, 2016

Blogging: It's harder than it seems. . .

. . .even though everyone and their dog seems to be doing it.

Many of the blogs I like are focused on a specific area of expertise. One is about nit-picking other people's grammar. One is a collection of the daily paintings of a favorite artist of mine. One is the logic and ideas of one of my favorite Catholic apologists. Another is an entire blog devoted to reviews of books read by the author.

Fortunately, I have many, varied interests. I like to paint, so I could post daily paintings. I like to talk religion, so I could post thoughts about God and our worship of Him. I like travel and writing and spending time with my pet. All of these are pursuits worthy of the time and energy it takes to write about them.

I wrote on another web site about my journey toward full communion the Catholic church.  After reading the entries, one of my friends told me I should continue the story by writing about my thoughts, experiences and struggles since my Confirmation.

Much has happened in my life since I was confirmed.  I feel like a completely different person.  Most of my mental energy today is spent on my job and also my art, but I do feel the need to get some things straight in my mind about my feelings on faith.

These posts are written from a purely personal point of view.  They are simply a record of my musings, and I take responsibility for them.
